Revivals don’t happen by accident. There is a spiritual law of cause and effect, just as there is a physical law of cause and effect. Prayer causes God’s will to be done in the world. The cause is prayer, the effect is the Holy Spirit fighting for us against the kingdom of darkness.
In the early church, prayer was a regular part of life (Acts 1:14, 2:42). Paul asked the Romans to “ … join me in my struggle by praying to God for me.” (Romans 15:30).
Revivals don’t happen by accident. There is a spiritual law of cause and effect, just as there is a physical law of cause and effect. Prayer causes God’s will to be done in the world. The cause is prayer, the effect is the Holy Spirit fighting for us against the kingdom of darkness.
Today’s church has largely missed out on this, because it has failed to realize the power of prayer. The Bible tells us that the prayers of believers have explosive power.
Jesus tells us to persist in our prayers (Luke 18:2-8), even when we fail to see them answered right away. Prayer is never wasted time.
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