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Don’t be a Mantis Shrimp

• Emily Morrison

John was invited to enter a door to see into the throne room of God. This was not a physical seeing. It was a spiritual experience, where he saw into another dimension of reality. What does it mean to see into this other world, to experience God in this distinctly different way? This sermon, by Emily Morrison, encourages us to embrace the gift of seeing God in this radically different way. wh-bug

Show Extended Summary

Topics: Imagination, Presence of God

Sermon Series: Good Heavens!

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The MuseCast: May 14

Focus Scripture:

For Further Reading:

The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis
An Immense World by Ed Yong

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4 thoughts on “Don’t be a Mantis Shrimp

  1. Jerry says:

    Thanks, Emily excellent!

    I found ultraviolet light, “umwelt,” and mantis shrimp interesting.

    Mantis shrimp appear to be over-dialed on punching stuff, delivering an explosive 60-mile-per-hour punch compared to a bullet leaving the barrel of a gun, using a system of biological springs, latches, and levers to power their fast punches enabling them to strike much more swiftly than would be possible with muscle power alone.

    You might go so far as to say the fragmented vision of shrimp is a psychosomatic symptom of the fragmentation of their spiritual being.

    Emily as you addressed we too have become, like mantis shrimp, the most physically, more stuff, [left] hemisphere connected and yet spiritually unseen dimension [right] hemisphere isolated people who have ever walked the planet.

    The good news:

    “The Spirit can invite us out of the shadowlands” I liked that Emily, thanks again!

    1. Emily says:

      Thanks, Jerry! And yeah, love that about the punching power of those little guys— truly remarkable creatures!

  2. Peter says:


    The way you pull creative sources into a sermon is SOOOO fun to listen to and think on!
    Creation shouts the name of Jesus. Your preaching helps us see that in unique and meaningful ways! Thank you! It really matters!!

    1. Emily says:

      Thanks, Peter!
      Creation does indeed shout — the mountains and hills sing, the trees clap their hands, right!?

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