Whom do you worship? What do you worship? In today’s entertainment-focused society, we often emulate people such as athletes, musicians, and movie stars. People who are rich and famous allure us. Yet, they are human beings like you and me. What we truly desire and need is the healing presence of Jesus Christ. 
Whom do you worship? What do you worship? In today’s entertainment-focused society, we often emulate people such as athletes, musicians, and movie stars. People who are rich and famous allure us. Yet, they are human beings like you and me. What we truly desire and need is the healing presence of Jesus Christ.
In today’s sermon, Peggy Riley, Woodland Hills’ Prayer Ministries Pastor, preached about entering into an experience of worshipping Jesus Christ. Being in his presence brings life transformation that no human being could ever produce.
Peggy showed us from John 4:23 that God seeks people who will worship him. Furthermore, he desires to be known. As God said through the prophet Jeremiah, “When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13). Peggy challenged us to give all our concerns and burdens to Jesus; we need to give him our whole self.
Peggy encouraged us to have faith that God is able to accomplish what we think is impossible (in Matthew 17:20 Jesus likens the faith needed to the size of mustard seeds, which are very small). Through our worship of him, Jesus is faithful to meet us. As we worship his name, we find love, healing, joy, hope, salvation, and deliverance. Being in God’s presence transcends all earthly circumstances. What is our decision? Will we prepare ourselves to be in his presence? If we do, we will not leave unchanged.
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