Moses put aside his fears and carried out the mission God had for him. We too can do great things for God if we are willing to override our apprehension. We can say, “So what?” to our fears and follow the Spirit. 
Had Moses let his fears rule (Exodus 3-8), he never would have followed God’s instructions to go to Egypt and win freedom for his people. He would not be the important Biblical figure we know of today.
But Moses put aside his fears and carried out the mission God had for him.
We too can do great things for God if we are willing to override our apprehension. We can say, “so what?” to our fears and follow the Spirit.
2 Timothy 1:7 tells us: “For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-discipline. “ If we give in to our fears, we will be following a spirit other than God’s. We will cut short the potential and power God has for us. So much power is available to us, if only we would only reach out and trust God.
If we focus on the possibility of criticism from other people, we will fail to take risks. If our focus is on Jesus, anything is possible. (Luke 1:37)
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