This Good Friday, Greg spent time talking about the meaning and significance of the lyrics in the song titled “The Power of the Cross.”
This Good Friday, Greg spent time talking about the meaning and significance of the lyrics in the song titled “The Power of the Cross.”
The Holy Spirit, through Greg, has literally itemized what Christ did for us, details such as I had not considered. What a powerful impact into my heart: The Power of the Cross. I can’t quit crying! I never got it before, after 50 years of legalism. Thank you, Greg.
thank you for this powerful message. God bless your ministry.
Question: When Jesus cried out “My God, My God why have You forsaken me,” he was quoting Psalm 22. In vs 24 of that chapter it says: “For he has not despised or abhorred the affliction of the afflicted, and he has not hidden his face from him, but has heard, when he cried to him.” (Psalm 22:24 ESV) Rather than being truly separated from God, wasn’t Jesus expressing his faith despite the FEELING that God had abandonded him?
Joel, I think Jesus was simply asking whether he had done something which resulted in the lack of fellowship he felt with the Father. He felt estranged from God, and so He asked whether His actions led to this. I don’t think Jesus was assuming that God had left Him permanently.
This would imply a lack of faith, and would be contrary to Jesus’ nature which was to assume very little. Jesus was simply inquiring whether he had disappointed God in some way, as he could see no other reason for his lack of union with God, as he was not being reminded by the Spirit at this time of the purpose of his suffering, as the Spirit had left him, as the Spirit had to do so.
Jesus became sin and so it is perhaps possible he felt as though he may have actually sinned in some way.