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I Choose You

• Kevin Johnson

Kevin, our Community Pastor, spoke about Christ’s calling of Simon, Andrew, James and John to be his disciples. As fishermen, their families’ livelihood depended on this trade, yet they simply dropped what they were doing and followed Jesus. Why? What was it about Jesus that caused people to leave their families and livelihood to follow him, and what was Jesus tapping into in these four early disciples? wh-bug

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Topics: Discipleship, Hope

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"Just a note of thanks. I came across the site, having heard Greg speak in Ireland many moons ago. The church here is a bit jaded, we have found. Groupthink, lack of going deep, fear, perhaps, of facing tough questions. [WH has] great sermons, and not just from Greg. Real food for a somewhat undernourished Irish Christian. Keep it up! Ian from Ireland"

– Ian, from Ireland