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Love Does Not Insist on its Own Way

• Greg Boyd

Greg continued his sermon series through I Corinthians 13 by focusing on verse 5: “love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful.” As a general principle, love does not seek to control others. However, controlling behavior typically characterizes human nature. Why is this? wh-bug

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Sermon Series: Love is / Love is Not

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One thought on “Love Does Not Insist on its Own Way

  1. Jerry says:

    Key focus: As a general principle, LOVE, 1 Cor 13:5, “does not seek to control others”. However, controlling behavior typically characterizes HUMAN NATURE.

    Why is this?

    A faulty understanding of our knowledge of reality causes us to desire control. Greg called this tendency the “omniscience mechanism”.

    Christians need to be characterized by the unity in love described in John 17:20-26. This wondrous expression of love is what should differentiate Christians from others. Only by participating in Christ’s fullness of life do we collapse our “omniscience mechanism.” By living in this fullness, we are empowered to walk alongside people in their pain and struggle and point them to the hope of Jesus Christ.

    A 2nd thought on why is this:

    Hillsdale College is a private, conservative, Christian liberal arts college in Hillsdale, Michigan. It was founded in 1844 by members of the Free Will Baptists, men and women, “ who are grateful to God for the inestimable blessings”, resulting from civil and religious liberty and “believing that the diffusion of learning is essential to the perpetuity of these blessings.”

    They offer FREE online courses that focus on using imagination and intuition
    to help you DISCOVER rather than lecturing on an algorithm [TELLING] what you need to know.

    Hillsdale College President Larry P. Arnn interviews psychologist and philosopher Iain McGilchrist.

    Paralleling Greg’s “omniscience mechanism” to the Tyranny of the Left Hemisphere.

    The world’s growing totalitarian streak – in contrast to – Lovingly walking alongside people.

    HUMAN NATURE and the Divided Brain | Iain McGilchrist

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