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No Fear

• Greg Boyd

Time is ticking away. Being alive in this world means that we are moving toward death, and to some degree that makes most of us afraid. That fear can drive us to many different sources of worldly security, but the good news (the Easter news!) is that no one needs to live in fear. wh-bug

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Topics: Evangelism, Fear, Resurrection

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One thought on “No Fear

  1. Aliceson Summers says:

    I am glad I am a child of God. God has not given me the spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind. Cast all my cares upon Him for He cares for me. Glad I can stand on these words as I am “passing through” this life. I feel sorry for the ones that have denied His salvation and live in fear everyday. Thank you Lord for saving me!
    I enjoyed this sermon greatly.

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