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Rappers, Nuns, and Disciples

• Sandra Unger

Sandra Unger began this sermon with a visualization exercise. We were asked to picture in our minds the following people: a mailman, nun, rapper, basketball player, pilot, Christian and finally a disciple of Jesus. For many people, it was easy to conjure up a picture of the first five but the last two posed a problem. Following Jesus is actually remarkably simple. Submit your entire life to Christ and he will give you a new one. It’s not difficult to know what the right thing to do is. But it is often very difficult to jump into the unknown territory that comes along with doing the right thing. wh-bug

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"The sermons and MuseCast have been so encouraging regarding the series on Revelation. Thanks for all the time you spend bringing it all together, and also for the music teams who have been absolutely amazing, the way they work together bringing us into wonderful worship times."

– Christine