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Rooted in the Nows

• Greg Boyd

God is like an atmosphere around us. As much as the air we breathe is around us and in us, God surrounds and enfolds us. In this sermon, Greg talks about the importance of being aware of God in the everyday moments, and he gives some practical tips to help you walk in this awareness. wh-bug

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Topics: Discipleship, Disciplines, Presence of God

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3 thoughts on “Rooted in the Nows

  1. Michelle says:

    Thank you for a much needed message! You are clearly in your element of effective leadership.

  2. Ephron says:

    God be praised for increasing in you His Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Himself (Ephesians 1:17b). Thanks brother for your continued sound Bible teaching. God’s richest blessings to you and your congregation!

  3. Laura says:

    amazing message! I found the Present Perfect one of the most life changing books I’ve ever read.

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