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The Crystal Sea

• Greg Boyd

In John’s vision in Revelation 4, he sees a sea of glass, which represents peace. What does this vision of peace mean for life when we are surrounded by chaos, evil and the constant barrage of all that is not peaceful? This vision of peace came before the final victory of sin and death. This peace is our inheritance in the present. We only need to see it and embrace it as God’s gift to us. wh-bug

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Topics: Peace, Presence of God, Spiritual Warfare

Sermon Series: Good Heavens!

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The MuseCast: May 7

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One thought on “The Crystal Sea

  1. Patty says:

    This was a favorite this year thus far. I missed you!
    Thank you Emily for all the effort you put forth
    ( remarkably I might add) despite your recovery from long Covid. I. Just. Can’t. Imagine. Loved the analogies to examples in nature! ❤️

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"I have been blessed by the messages I’ve heard, especially your teaching on Revelation. I sense the Holy Spirit’s presence and it has made a difference in my life. I’ve experienced some grief recently and the prayer in Ephesians has been a great help as I experience healing."

– Mary