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The Devil’s Chaplain

• Greg Boyd

God is love, and our job is to receive and replicate that love. This means that it is crucial that we rightly perceive what God’s love actually looks like, something that some find challenging in the midst of creation that is overrun by violence. How then do we reconcile the nature of God’s love when nature itself seems to point to anything but love? wh-bug

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Topics: Kingdom of God, Love, Problem of Evil

Sermon Series: 4D Love

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7 thoughts on “The Devil’s Chaplain

  1. Gailen says:

    Remarkable insight and truth…seemingly like us all, God is vulnerable…but, He will overcome.

  2. Becky says:

    Amazing teaching, Greg. A true feast of inspiration!

  3. Michael says:

    In Genesis 3:17-18 we see that part of the reason nature began not working the way it did originally is because God cursed the ground. Now, is cursing the ground “benevolent”? Except for this passage, I like the idea that nature acting badly is caused by evil principalities, and not God, but I don’t see how these verses fit into that concept.

  4. Mike says:

    Greg also said that God originally gave some control of nature over to the angels, and when some angels went rogue, God couldn’t take back that control, because that would mean He never really gave it to them. That doesn’t make sense to me. Why would taking it back mean He never gave it?

    1. Ben says:

      This one goes full circle! God is all-knowing, so he knew which angels would rebel. For Him, revoking control from them would be the same thing as never giving them choice in the first place, which defeats the purpose of giving it in the first place.

  5. Susan says:

    When was the last time we just went through a whole book or gospel, line by line, word by word, studying what God has to say without having to find a way to make it fit into our lives to find it interesting or important. I miss that! We would be in a book for months or even years studying all the richness of God’s beautiful truths. I am hungry for just solid biblical teaching again.

    1. Paige Slighter says:

      Hey Susan, thanks so much for your feedback. We appreciate your input and will keep it in mind for the future.
      -Paige from the Communications Team

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