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The Maturity Gap

• Nick Cunningham

Self-control can often feel like God is just trying to stymie our happiness. In this sermon, Nick Cunningham shares with us why this isn’t true and points us to the real reason Jesus calls us to self-control. wh-bug

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Topics: Disciplines, Humility, Transformation

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4 thoughts on “The Maturity Gap

  1. Luke MItchell says:

    So good, such beautiful truth! God was speaking through you!
    God Bless you Brother Nick!

  2. Kathy D. says:

    Awesome message, Nick, Fabulous!! Glad you were here!

  3. Katrina Hansen says:

    Thank you Nick. I now have my lenten journey.

  4. Sara says:

    I now have a big B&W shot of Godzilla plastered on my fridge.

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