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There is no Them // Part One

• Greg Boyd

Today Greg opens our two-part series called “There is no Them” with a message about the amazing consistency and unmistakable clarity we find in both the Old and New Testaments about our calling to welcome and embrace strangers into our lives and communities. wh-bug

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Topics: Calling, Discipleship

Sermon Series: There is no Them

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13 thoughts on “There is no Them // Part One

  1. Trent says:

    Great work on the new site! I do miss the reflection questions though! It would be cool to see them again.

    1. Amanda Churchill says:

      Hello Trent!

      Glad you’re enjoying the new site! Thanks for saying something about the reflection questions, we do plan to continue to include them, and did include them with this sermon, but for some reason they aren’t currently showing up on this page. I’ll work on getting that fixed. In the meantime, if you click the above link for the printable study guide, you will see the questions included there at the bottom.

      Hope this helps!

      1. Tom says:

        Hey Amanda,

        For me, the link for the study guide pulls up another window but the new window is not populated with any content. It just has print buttons on the top of the page with nothing else…


    2. etellewyn@gmail.com says:

      Hi Trent, the Reflection Questions are now included in the Study Guide, not as part of the summary. Thanks!

  2. Tom says:

    Hey Amanda,
    The Study guide link for this sermon actually pulls up the guide for the previous sermon by Brianna Millett from 9/5.

    Thanks for checking into this,

    1. etellewyn@gmail.com says:

      Hi Tom, Can you tell me what happens when you click the study guide link for a different sermon (any one)? Do those work as expected? I’m not able to replicate your issue on my end so I am trying to figure out where the problem might lie. Thanks!
      -barbara- (WCH webmaster)

      1. Tom says:

        My issue finally resolved itself, not sure how, when it happened the other day and I was able to get the guides. Today, pulling up on my phone, I’m having the same issue with it just pulling up pages with 2 “print” buttons. Today this is happening in the imagination sermon with Brianna and last weeks there is no them sermon.


  3. Denise says:

    Neither the reflection questions nor the study guide pulls up when clicking the link for the study guide. Page is blank with only a print button. Page is also blank when I hit the print button in hopes magically it would appear. I went back and tried four previous sermons with the same results.

  4. etellewyn@gmail.com says:

    Very good to know, thank you for reporting this issue! I think this may be caused by our site cache (makes the site faster). I have made an adjustment to the configuration which seems to be solving this issue for me. Can you please confirm if this solves the problem for you? Thanks!
    (WH webmaster)

    1. Tom says:

      The adjustment did the trick for me. I checked 4 previous sermons and all is well.

      1. etellewyn@gmail.com says:

        Good to hear! Thanks for letting me know!

  5. Patty says:

    Hello Amanda or other,

    Just wondering as I’m checking out the Worship Set on Spotify. Is it possible that last Sunday’s music was not uploaded as of yet. The site says Sept. is available with 2/3 for the earlier dates. Maybe I’m not using it correctly. Also what was the name of the first song in worship on Sunday….it had the words….”God is My Rock” …but probably not the title of the song. Thank you! I’ll look back on here later. We appreciate your work on here! ~ Patty

    1. Amanda Churchill says:

      Hello Patty!
      Thanks for checking in about the Spotify playlists! We have gotten a little behind on curating those playlists, but we will be updating them as soon as possible! As for that specific song you were asking about, it looks like that weekend the first song we sang was “Defender” by Kings Kaleidoscope.
      Hope that helps!

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