The Bible teaches that Christ was perfected through suffering. Christ’s obedience to God in this way has made possible our salvation even though we have disobeyed. 
Book of Matthew. Jesus prayed “…Let thy will be done”.
Let’s consider the humanity of Jesus Christ.
Error: We don’t recognize that Jesus is mighty God. Some say Jesus was a great prophet, but not the savior.
Another error: We minimize Jesus’ humanity (“God in a body’ – Jesus in a human suit theology). Jesus was really human, still divine – a brother who understood what we go through.
God depleted himself of His divine prerogatives to take on being human (as Jesus). Jesus can be humanity, high priest because he chose to take on humanity’s character.
Jesus had human emotions, too (e.g. temptation, etc..) Jesus also took on the sin of the world, and he knew how terrible that would be.
Hebrews 5:7 (NIV)
During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission.
(Thy will be done) How did God answer Jesus prayers (let this cup pass from me, but if not, let your will be done)? [Jesus said this with conviction] God answered that His Will would be done. Jesus knew the most important thing was His Father’s Will be done (even though he was afraid as a human being).
When Jesus was mocked, crowned with thorns ? his prayer was answered (thy will be done) and we were set free
– Prayer unleashes the power of God and Jesus set the example of how we are supposed to pray. God relies on us to do our job – pray! We are mediators (thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven – no matter, the price!). Prayer is our main weapon to activate the Word of God on earth.
– Prayer is the believers way of co-signing God’s check. We are not robots, but people with authority through God. God’s will is released when we co-sign in prayer.
1) Urgency of Prayer : ? the fate of individuals, nations, etc.. depends on whether or not we pray! God wants us to reign with Him.
2) Prayer has tremendous promise. “Ask and it will be done” God wants His Will to be on earth. Prayer isn’t about gimme, gimme, gimme! God wants for us to say (with sincerity) “Let your Will be done!”. Even if it means I get crucified, carry out Your Will.
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