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[Unanswered Prayer] Happens

• Shawna Boren

When we pray, we usually expect that our prayers will be answered. Sometimes, they are not. In this sermon, Shawna takes a look at what unanswered prayer looks like, and she provides insight into dealing with the pain of unanswered prayer. wh-bug

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Topics: Pain & Suffering, Prayer, Presence of God

Sermon Series: [Crap] Happens

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One thought on “[Unanswered Prayer] Happens

  1. Lilly says:

    Good stuff. The issues of suffering, unanswered prayer, and feelings of isolation in an oppositional world cause many to not seek God, and for those in faith, to live a despairing life. When I lost my full term child, 2 weeks overdue, I had so many Job’s comforters, but the few that helped me–us–the most were those who comforted and cried with us without trying to fix us or fix blame. There is much in this fallen world that just plain hurts, and taking the time to honestly address these questions is so good.

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