Jesus asked Peter a question that we all must answer: “Who do you say that I am?” 
1 Peter Ch. 3: Even believers should have a reason for the hope within them.
Question: Who is Jesus Christ?
Believers need to know why they believe and non-believers need to confront those reasons.
Why do people believe in Jesus Christ?
The Bible wants us to reason, not to merely have blind faith.
What is the evidence for what we believe? We need evidence for many other things in life, why not for Christ? It’s not enough to say, “I just believe”. There’s a lot at stake not to believe, but you must look at the evidence.
Four Reasons Why Jesus Christ is the Son of God:
1.) There are numerous prophecies in the Old Testament any only Jesus fulfills them. (Are you Jewish? Were you born in Bethlehem? (etcetra)
2.) Jesus made out lavish claims, but he backed them up.
(e.g. ? “Blessed are you when you suffer for my sake.”
(e.g. ? “I came down from heaven that all may honor the son as they honor the Father”).
(e.g. ? “If you se me, you see the Father…”)
Argument: Either Jesus was crazy or He was exactly who He said He was. He’s either the center of everything or nothing. If Jesus were crazy, why did people say that he was sinless? If Jesus were a fake, what was his motive? Who wants to die on the cross?
3.) The disciples said one of the reasons they believed in Jesus was because of the miracles He did.
Nobody else ever did these things! (e.g. ? multiplied loaves and fishes, walked on water, healed blind, death, raised the dead….)
Why would the disciples make this up (some say they did)? No motives to do so.
They were persecuted as a result of believing in Jesus. And Jesus’ story was full of “irrelevant” details, problems. Why, if you were making this up, have Jesus say on the cross, “Father, why have you forsaken me?” Not a great way to sell the story!
4.) The Resurrection: Five independent accounts of the resurrection (they differ in detail, like eyewitness accounts would differ). All of the accounts written fairly early after the resurrection, also –
Also, there’s lot of internal evidence in the gospels that historians can use to date them (e.g. ? Simon ? father of Alexander and Rufus ? author assures the audience @ the time know those people)..
With other figures one Alexander the Great, we only have a single source or so about him (not so with Jesus – 5 sources independent of one another, eyewitnesses, etc..).
You either believe in Jesus Christ or you don’t. You have a lot at stake to not believe. Look at the evidence. Be transformed by taking that first step.
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