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Salt & Light

Nov 08 2020 • Dan Kent, Greg Boyd, Tara Beth Leach

Salt and light are two of the most basic essentials of life, and in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus uses them to describe our essential role as Kingdom people. The basic role of salt is to preserve and flavor. The basic role of light is to dispel the dark. As God’s people, our basic role is to bring the distinct flavor of the Kingdom into the world, and to use our light to push out the kingdom of darkness. This gets to the very core of Jesus’ teaching, taking us back to the basics and reminding us of our distinct calling to impact the world.

Sermons in this series:

Neon Sheep

• Dan Kent

This sermon asks what it means for God’s people to be salt and light in practical terms. Dan proposes three practical ways that we can move toward and embrace this call of God upon our lives.

Topics: Discipleship, Kingdom of God

A City On a Hill

• Greg Boyd

Jesus said that God’s people are a city on a hill, a blessed people who are called to be a blessing to others, giving forth light and hope. What does this mean in an Old Testament context, one that lies behind the words of Jesus? And what does this mean for us today?

Topics: Hope, Salvation


• Tara Beth Leach

Jesus said, “You are the light of the world.” In this sermon, we learn how being the light is much more than simply doing good deeds. It entails God’s call upon God’s people to be a distinct people who walk in covenant with him and shine forth an alternative pattern of living for all to see.

Topics: Discipleship, Kingdom of God

Stay Salty

• Greg Boyd

Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth.” What are the functions of salt, and what does this mean for us today? How does this shape the way we interact with the world? Greg explores these questions in this sermon.

Topics: Discipleship, Kingdom of God


"I have found, in you, a place where the preached word profoundly resonates with my own recent journey of faith and has cemented a new way of thinking, I suppose like jigsaw pieces falling into place. I am grateful that a friend pointed me in your direction."

– Elaine, from the United Kingdom