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Spiritual Warfare

Jul 15 2007 • Greg Boyd

Spiritual warfare is a topic that can be neglected or overly stressed in churches. As followers of Christ, it is important to recognize that there is a spiritual side to our world, in which principalities and powers are in opposition to the ways of God. In Christ, we can overcome and resist these influences both individually and collectively. From July 2007, the first two weeks of this 3-week sermon series cover the topic of spiritual warfare. The series concludes with a Q&A sermon with Greg and Paul.

Sermons in this series:

Spiritual Warfare and Holy War Q&A

• Greg Boyd, Paul Eddy

In July of 2007, Greg did a short sermon series on spiritual warfare that concluded with a Q&A during our weekend services. Unfortunately, time ran out with many good questions left! This Q&A from December 2, 2007 continues the conversation with Greg, Paul Eddy (our Teaching Pastor) and Woodland Hills local missionary, Phil Friesen. The Q&A focused on spiritual warfare and related topics, including the issue of physical warfare and violence in the Old Testament.

Topics: Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare Q&A

• Greg Boyd, Paul Eddy

This last weekend concluded our sermon series on spiritual warfare, a topic that can be neglected or overly stressed in churches. As followers of Christ, it is important to recognize that there is a spiritual side to our world, in which principalities and powers are in opposition to the ways of God. In Christ, we can overcome and resist these influences both individually and collectively. To bring a biblically balanced approach to the topic, Greg Boyd (Senior Pastor) and Paul Eddy (Teaching Pastor) held a Q&A time to help answer questions from attenders. These audio files are a collection of all the questions and answers addressed during our three weekend services.

Topics: Pain & Suffering, Problem of Evil, Spiritual Warfare

Lessons on the Battlefield

• Greg Boyd

Spiritual warfare is a present reality in our war-torn world. There are principalities and powers, often unseen, which influence and distort what is true about God and His Creation. As followers of Christ, we do not need to fear these things. Rather, we are called to live in the truth of who we are in Christ, being filled with God’s Spirit and power, to come against and resist the strongholds and lies.

Topics: Presence of God, Problem of Evil, Spiritual Warfare

A War-Torn Creation

• Greg Boyd

We live in a war-torn world of pain, hurt, violence and death. This is not how God intended creation to look. The Good News is God has sent his Son, Jesus, to defeat the powers of death, and to begin reconciling and redeeming the world unto God. When Jesus rebukes the storm mentioned in Luke 8:22-26, he is giving us a foretaste of the ultimate victory and restoration that is to come.

Topics: Creation, Pain & Suffering, Spiritual Warfare


"So many thanks for your wonderful messages and all you give to the world around you. I'm retired in Ecuador with no churches so really appreciate your online presence. So many Christians discourage questions, so this is refreshing, as are the Q&A sessions."

– Gretchen