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Kevin Callaghan

Kevin is passionate about heart-healing, spiritual formation and reaching out beyond Woodland’s doors with good news, compassion and justice initiatives. He does this through developing classes, directing our online discipleship school, and stewarding Sojourners, our missional-community network. He loves nerdy books on theology, psychology and early church history.

Discipleship & Formation Pastor

kcallaghan@whchurch.org | 651-287-2097


"I've been a WH podrishioner for several years now and I can't tell you how much it has changed my life. I came across these podcasts at a time when I was in an extremely unhealthy/abusive situation, and these teachings were immensely influential to me maintaining my faith and sanity. THANK YOU for showing me what a Jesus-looking God is like and what it means to follow Him. Many, many blessings to all of you!"

– Christina, from Oregon