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Topic: Communion

I Dream of Genie-Jesus

As Christians we can sometimes lose sight of our true identity in Christ and become distracted by our lives, our interests, and our worries. We can begin to feel that God is a convenient “genie” who can fix what goes wrong in our lives or to bless our plans and ambitions. However, the truth of living in the Kingdom of … Read More 

Remembering What Matters

Life can become very busy, and it is easy to lose focus. Everyday realities and problems can disrupt our relationship with God. We are constantly bombarded by little things that can bide for our time, and divert attention from what really matters. As believers in Christ, communion is one of God’s ways of reminding us of what really matters. Communion helps to us to remember what Christ did for us and refocuses our lives towards him. Read More 


Remember When…

This week, Ike, our Associate Community Pastor, discussed how communion is meant to be a celebration. Ike takes us back to the first communion as an example of the power of remembering through sharing our stories. Could it be that when we take communion in a large group we miss out on something Jesus valued? Do we miss the faith- and community-building aspect that Jesus meant for us to experience? We need to hear how God “showed up” in each other’s lives to grow closer in community, to be encouraged, and to remember Jesus, to remember when… Read More 


Congruence with God

This week Jim led us in a communion service. The sermon focused on the tension between the Spirit and the Flesh and how Jesus Christ makes it possible for us to be united with God in spirit. In communion we participate with our whole body as we obey Christ’s command to “do this in remembrance of me.” In this way, we submit our flesh to God’s Spirit. Read More 

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"Woodland Hills is breaking chains for believers and shattering walls for non-believers. Truly an amazing church to be a part of."

– Ellie