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Topic: Evangelism

Can I Get A Witness?

All of the church is a witness for Jesus Christ on this Earth. Yet, many people have inhibitions about being a witness for Jesus. In this sermon, Pastor Laurel Bunker talks about the roots of her understanding of witness and what being a witness looks like today. Read More 

The Great Exchange

Jesus was innocent but he died the death of the guilty. He stood in our place, taking on our life so that we might have his. There is no greater act in all of history. Read More 

Jesus: Avatar or God?

Our American culture seems to have grown more open to spiritual things in recent history. In general this openness is good—but there is also the danger of losing the uniqueness of what we believe as Christians—that Jesus IS God and not merely one of many ways that God is expressed in the world. Read More 

Gatekeepers of the Royal Son

The disciples sometimes got in the way of people who were coming to Jesus. When this happened, Jesus had to correct the situation and go directly to the people seeking him. This happens today too when Christians and their agendas get in the way of people who simply need to be pointed to Jesus. Read More 

Take Off Your Grave Clothes

Easter is about Jesus’ resurrection and the faith of the church in that resurrection. Jesus’ claims to be God were unambiguous but didn’t always receive the same response. Read More 

Free for All Q&A Night

On October 14, 2008, Greg and Paul tackled every question thrown at them at our Free For All Q&A.

No Fear

Time is ticking away. Being alive in this world means that we are moving toward death, and to some degree that makes most of us afraid. That fear can drive us to many different sources of worldly security, but the good news (the Easter news!) is that no one needs to live in fear. Read More 

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"You have a great thing going and all of you touch our kids’ lives more than you will ever know or words could ever explain."

– Barb, WH parent