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Topic: Faith

Who Knows?

This week we begin our new sermon series about moral relativism by exploring how early Christians lived out their faith, the point being that Truth is only true when it is lived.

The Letter & the Spirit

As we continue our Listen Up series, this week Greg discusses how being open to hearing from God through our imagination affects the quality of our faith. Faith is about getting on the inside and working out our questions once we’re in relationship. If we are expectant that our relationship with God is a two-way street and that he not … Read More 

Covenant Redemption

As we continue our Long Story Short series through the lens of covenant and kingdom, in this message we explore the connection between relationship and responsibility in the story of the Isarelites making a golden calf for worship while Moses is on Mt. Sinai. It’s all too easy for us to get impatient and lose trust in what we can’t … Read More 

Living in the Never-Ending Story.

In this fifth installment of our Take Heart series, we explore what it means to be encouraged in one solid truth: that God’s love for us is unceasing and he is present with us in the midst of incredible brokenness. Discouragement can come when we have a broken picture of God, but we can be encouraged that God always looks … Read More 

When God Shows Up

This weekend Greg continues our When God Shows Up series by examining two crucial questions we must ask when we find ourselves in an Advent season: How do we conduct ourselves in this fallen world when misery takes over? How can we hang on to hope when all seems hopeless?

Magical Faith

In this most recent sermon of our Loose Ends series, we look at a verse that many in the “name it and claim it” persuasion use to justify their views, Mark 11:23-24.

Your Attention Please!

This week in the sermon series Loose Ends, our friend Dr. Sandra Unger explores the often quoted Psalm, “be still and know that I am God.” Sandra shares what the command to be still means in the Biblical context and how paying attention to God changes our whole approach to life.

When Yahweh Shows Up To Eat You

In this sermon we continue our look in to scripture passages that often get dismissed because of their obscurity, seeming contradiction, or relative weirdness. This week Greg examined Exodus 4:19-28 which describes a strange encounter Moses and Zipporah had with God on their way from Midian to Egypt involving threat of death, circumcision, and the smearing of blood. This encounter, … Read More 

Sure. Q&A

We wrapped up our Sure. sermon series with a Q&A hosted by Greg Boyd and Paul Eddy. The audio and video media files contain questions and answers from all three of our services on March 24/25, 2018.

Why The Bible?

In Week 5 of our “Sure.” series (where we are honestly wrestling with challenges that our post-modern, post Christian, pluralistic culture presents to our faith), Greg addresses the (apparent) imperfections, errors, and contradictions in the Bible, and shows that they don’t distract from it being God-breathed… but contribute to it.

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"It's been so supportive to have a journey group leader since 7th grade that I have made a lasting relationship with for 6 years. She has helped me grow in my faith and has been there to check in!"

– Laura, high school student