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Topic: Faithfulness

A Life Interrupted

Are you willing to have your life interrupted by God? Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, had his life turned upside-down as he said “yes” to God’s plan for his life. Joseph can be considered to us, as followers of Christ, a hero of the Kingdom of God. He is a model for what it means to live in the Kingdom. Joseph was a person, who without any consideration for his own personal gain, without any regard for how it would cost him, gave up his own plans and dreams and followed what God was calling him to. Read More 


Is It Worth It?

In this first service of the year, Greg took a moment to reflect on what we are doing here. It is important to make an honest assessment of what progress we’re making in advancing the kingdom of God. We inevitably face opposition in this world, but the task before us is worth the sacrifices that will need to be made. Read More 

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"Woodland Hills family, thank you so much for everything you all do. My life is blessed by your teaching and technology. I know there are so many behind the scenes people. "

– Denise