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Topic: Grace

The Porcupine Dance

Forgiveness is always easier to talk about than to actually do. But without it we are alone and isolated, and can be consumed by hurt. Jesus taught about how we should forgive each other through parables: because we experience God’s great forgiveness, we share the same with others who have wronged us. And as a result, we learn how to live our lives with each other and experience the freedom that God wants for us. Read More 

A Gracious Mess

Judgment of other people is a vicious cycle that destroys human relationships. Only God has the wisdom, power and ability to be an accurate judge of a person’s life and character. Instead of creating self-centered little kingdoms for ourselves, we can follow the path of Jesus by living in perfect love. Read More 


The Kingdom’s King

Lately, Greg has been talking about the importance of being “awake” and “single-minded.” In this sermon he discussed how both of these things are understood most fully in Christ. He focused on Christ’s compelling love and the distinction between saying that you believe something and allowing a truth to penetrate so deep into your very being that it compels you. Read More 

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"I have battled anxiety for years, searching for something to help me overcome fear. I believe that through your sermons, I have found truth and I am more convinced of the extravagant love of God than ever. I finally feel like I am on the journey out of the darkness."

– Amanda, from Nebraska