This unique sermon is a challenge by four individuals who reflect on different aspects of being God’s unified people in the midst of diversity—a reality that is a gift of God—and divisiveness—a reality that is a mud pit of Satan. The four perspectives call us to put our weight into the dream of God’s gloriously diverse, but unified, kingdom where … Read More
God is the only eternal one. All else is temporary. However, it is human nature to put our trust in temporary things, to focus on things that will not last. Jesus invites us to treasure that which will not be destroyed. When we set our hearts on God’s kingdom and his righteousness, we will discover the only treasure that endures.
In this sermon, Greg calls the church to pay attention to the reality of spiritual warfare that pervades our world, and then he follows this with direction on the necessity and the ways to resist the powers that war against God’s kingdom.
On this Good Friday, we held a reflective, experiential service titled Seven Candles, in order to fit with the theme of the service. We don’t have a written summary, study guide or audio file for this service. Instead, we hope you’ll take the time to reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus, as well as partake in the experience of the … Read More
Jesus, whom the book of Revelation gives divine titles, is at work in our world. This work is manifest in three ways according to this passage: he loves us, freed us, and made us. We put ourselves in a place to receive God’s ongoing love and to live out the freedom that we have been given. In addition, we have … Read More
Our focus scripture states that God relates to creation in time, through the past, in the present, and toward the future that is to come. He walks with us in relationship, as is demonstrated throughout the Old Testament. This eternality of God is applied to Jesus in Revelation, highlighting the divine transcendence of the slain lamb.
In this first sermon of our new series on the book of Revelation, we are introduced to how this book has been taught in ways that do not represent its meaning. We learn about its true meaning, and we discover why this message is so crucial to our present time. In a time when hope is waning, Revelation points us … Read More
This sermon addresses how God uses the suffering we face in this world to form us so that we might know Christ and his glory. While the sufferings we face are not orchestrated by God, God meets us in these situations and provides us with the opportunity to meet Christ in the midst so that we might be transformed into … Read More
This sermon offers six reasons why we can trust in the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It also explains what the resurrection means for us, as it offers a sense of hope enduring, everlasting beauty in the midst of fleeting goodness.
On this Good Friday, we held a reflective, experiential service that we’ve titled Seven Candles, in order to fit with the theme of the service. We don’t have a written summary, study guide or audio file for this service. Instead, we hope you’ll take the time to reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus, as well as partake in the experience … Read More