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Topic: Hope

What Do You Have to Offer?

We often define ourselves according to what we have to offer this world. But what happens when what we have to offer isn’t enough? In this sermon, Steve Wiens shows us how our wounds and inability to offer something can actually be used by God in glorious ways. Read More 

Marshmallow Advent

Waiting is hard, especially in the western culture of want and gratification. In this sermon, Greg tells us about Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s writings on advent, and how getting in touch with our emptiness through silence and solitude can lead to peace. Read More 

Giving Birth To Hope

In this sermon, Dave Johnson (senior pastor of Church of the Open Door) takes us back to the opening verses of Colossians. Here, he explores how the “good news” of the Gospel provides us with a solid foundation of “hope.” This hope enables us to see beyond the difficulties and challenges that we face in this life. Read More 

Above The Clouds

Clouds can bring rain and refreshment to the Earth. But they also can block out the Sun, and they represent ominous things in our life. These “dark clouds” in our life block out the energy and glory of Christ in our lives. When we rise above the clouds in this life, we realize that we should always dwell in the serenity of Christ. Read More 

The Squishing God

Jesus is our hope of glory. But what does that mean? In this sermon, Greg talks about how we yearn to embrace and be fulfilled in life. He also talks about how we can surrender to God in order to be embraced. Read More 

The Bridezilla of Christ

The Church is the body and bride of Christ. And while Paul says that we are holy in Christ’s sight, we don’t always act like it. In this sermon, Greg talks about how difficult it is to hope in the Church, and how we can still strive to be the Bride of Christ. Read More 

Considering The Even More

Life can throw difficult situations our way. Marriage struggles, road rage, or in Mary’s case, being an unmarried virgin pregnant with the Savior of the world. How do we handle those situations? Our guest speaker, Steve Wiens, talks about how God always wants to bring his wholeness (Shalom) into every situation and that we, like Mary, have the opportunity to partner with God in that. Read More 

The Story of a Lifetime

Sandra Unger guest speaks this weekend and tells a story of poverty and how to make a difference. She tells an all too familiar story of hope lost and continuing the cycle of poverty. Walking us through the biblical commands, Sandra points out how important it is to help the poor, but with something more important than money. Read More 

thx a lot : )

It can be difficult to be thankful in life. Whether it’s a phone that stops working or a tragic accident that changes our plans, we have trouble being thankful during tough times. In this sermon, Greg gives us three ways to remain thankful despite what’s going on in this world. Read More 

Breathing Hope

Hope can be a difficult thing to hang onto in this world. It seems that our future is destined for some tragic end with every new newspaper. In this sermon, Greg talks about how hope drives us and is foundational for life. Read More 

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"My almost-three-year-old asks every day if we can go to church. Thank you, Woodland Hills, and all the Heroes Gate volunteers for creating such a great environment for kids. My husband and I met at WH six years ago and now our son counts down the days until we get to go again. My heart could burst."

– Lindsey