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Topic: Pain & Suffering

Darkness Confronts Light

On Good Friday, Jesus experienced the darkness and pain of God -forsakenness, as he entered the depths of the reality of a sin-drenched world. How can this inform our experience of living in a Good Friday World?

Purpose Driven Suffering

God is at work in all things—even in times of great suffering—to bring about his purposes. Those who are called according to his purpose will join in and cooperate with God’s work, allowing the Spirit to form them to live into God’s new work.

Lamenting A to Z

In this sermon, Greg shares about the importance of lament during a time of loss and liminality. Building upon the ideas introduced by David last week, he expands on the topic and shares about his own experiences and the emotions he’s been wrestling with.

Hitting the Wall

In the midst of the pandemic, many of us are experiencing a degree of intense anxiety. What do we do with that? How do we meet God in that experience? How do we find hope?

Coronavirus Q&A

People have a lot of questions about what God is doing during this pandemic. In this teaching, leaders from Woodland Hills address questions that have been submitted over the last few weeks.

Are We Being Punished?

In the midst of great suffering and ugliness, there is also goodness breaking through. We are seeing this in the midst of this unusual time and it points us to how God works to bring his cross-like love in the middle of horrible circumstances. This teaches us that God is not the cause of this pandemic, but is the one … Read More 

Giving Thanks, No Matter

In this surreal time, we can let our lives be dictated by the circumstances of our situation, or we can live according to the reality that our lives are “hid” with Christ in God. How exactly do we do this in the midst of so much tumult? One way is to learn to give thanks “in all circumstances,” as Paul … Read More 

COVID-19: A Kingdom Perspective

COVID-19 is impacting the entire world, changing life globally, locally, and personally. How should we as Kingdom people respond to this pandemic?

Expecting God.

Today with David, we looked at God’s desire for encouragement and what kind of posture we should have in encouragement. He looks closely at the nostalgia of the Israelites when the temple was rebuilt and how it keeps us from seeing the ways God wanted to encourage them in the present rebuilding.

Show Me Where It Hurts.

Today Sandra shared with us a real-life example of her brother’s story, and what to do, and what not to do, when confronted by someone else’s discouragement. 

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"You have a great thing going and all of you touch our kids’ lives more than you will ever know or words could ever explain."

– Barb, WH parent