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Topic: Peace

Church At The Feet of Jesus

As disciples of Jesus, we are to spend time with, know, and reflect Jesus and his life. Yet, we oftentimes replace Jesus with things of this world. In this sermon, Mark Moore tells us about waiting at the feet of Jesus.

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Two Kinds of Life

Jesus tells us to hate our life in order to keep it, and if we love our life, we’ll lose it. Guest speaker Shane Hipps shares with us what life Jesus wants for us. He also talks about his personal experience with the Anabaptist tradition. Read More 

One Glorious Week

In 1914 at the beginning of World War I, enemy soldiers spent a week celebrating Christmas with each other. We can learn much from this stunning slice of history, and remember that the “peace on Earth” we strive for around Christmas should be our calling throughout the year. Read More 

Marshmallow Advent

Waiting is hard, especially in the western culture of want and gratification. In this sermon, Greg tells us about Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s writings on advent, and how getting in touch with our emptiness through silence and solitude can lead to peace. Read More 

The Peacemakers and The Persecuted

Being a peacemaker is more profound than simply being skilled at ending arguments. Our peacemaking is working against the corruption and conflict that pervade this world. In this sermon, Greg shows us how the cycle of conflict and how we can live in a way that breaks the cycle. Read More 

God’s Will Hunting

It can be difficult to understand God’s will. In this sermon, Greg talks about the foundations of understanding God’s will. When understanding God’s will, it is important to understand the gift of who God made us and live out of that understanding. It is important to realize that God is the center of our being and not a consultant or retainer. Read More 

The Center of the Ride

A central aspect of living as a Christian is lining up our life with the revealed Word of God. The battlefield of our living is actually waged in our soul, our mind. God wants us to understand exactly who we are in His eyes, so that our understanding will lead to right living according to the revealed Word of God. Read More 

Punching Clocks

All of us feel the stress of time on our lives. We feel tired, stressed and worn out over everything that needs to get done. God wants us to give up the idea of time as money so that we can gain the peace of eternity. Read More 

Living In God’s Peace

When we experience the peace of God, it frees us from fear and the temptation to take matters into our own hands. Read More 

Returning To The Sacred Shhh…

When we work for justice in the world, we are partnering with what God is already doing. It’s important that we seek God first, rest in God’s love, and only then can respond faithfully to the call to partner with God by fighting for justice in our communities. Read More 

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"We just started attending last summer and we love it! This past weekend the music was so beautiful, I felt the Holy Spirit there and wept the entire time. And then the message on relationships spoke right to my own struggles. God is here."

– Nicole