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Topic: Reconciliation

Responding to the Powers

God is inviting us to respond to the volatile issues around racism in a uniquely Kingdom way, a way modeled by Jesus. This Kingdom way provides concrete handles for battling against the rulers, authorities and powers that drive racism in our world.

White Heresy

Why did Jesus die on the cross? The common response—to reconcile us to God—is only half of the answer. The other half, which is usually not preached in the white church, is to reconcile us to one another and creation.

Please… I Can’t Breathe

This has been a troublesome week, with the gruesome murder of George Floyd and the unrest that this has caused both in Minnesota, and around the country. Greg offers a Kingdom perspective on the situation and challenges the church to wake up and see the changes that we need. After his sermon he was joined on stage for a discussion … Read More 

The Hug

Two sermons in one today: Part 1: How does children’s reliance on technology affect their ability to use their imaginations? And part 2: Looking at the Botham Jean “hug felt around the world” and how we might be stuck in a silo and not even know it.

Just Living

Although all sins in some ways are equal before God, there is something particularly evil and destructive about the dehumanizing effects of racism. Martin Luther King Jr. has by in large been secularized in popular culture as a nice man who wanted us all to get along, but this is an unfortunate caricature of a man whose core foundational trust … Read More 

Family Lines

In this sermon of our Blended series, David talks about what we may inherit from our biological ancestors, how these attributes may have shaped the lives of future generations, and how to love our families for who they are, just as God loves us.

Move Together

During this final sermon in our Next Level Relationships series, Greg and Kevin have a conversation where we learn about the cycle of conflict. They discuss why we find it so easy to get pulled in, and more importantly, some tools from Jesus that we can use to short-circuit the cycle.

Move Through It: From Broken to Whole

Conflict is the “elephant in the room” of all relationships – we either want to ignore it or focus completely on it. Yet as Kingdom people, how do we deal with conflict in ways that reflect Christ on the cross? In the fourth week of our series, “Next Level Relationships,” Osheta Moore shows us how to tell better stories about … Read More 

Move Deeper: Why We Hide

This week we explore vulnerability, and how we all tend to use the serpent’s tools of hiding and idolatrous performance to protect ourselves from judgment and shame. We learn that Vulnerability is the only onramp to real connection with others, and is also the key to enabling us to receive our life and fullness from God alone.

King’s Kingdom Way

This weekend we honor the memory and life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with a message from Dennis Edwards and Greg Boyd. King dedicated his life to the pursuit of the one new humanity inaugurated in the life of Jesus and this sermon focuses on King’s commitment to justice, peace and love. Read More 

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– Renae