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Topic: Satan

Twisted Scripture: The Book of Job

The Book of Job has often been misused as a way to explain the mysterious ways of God in suffering and pain. The truth is that the Book of Job is there to teach us that God does not inflict pain and suffering, rather it is the cosmic warfare that we cannot see which interferes with God’s true will for his people. Read More 

The Sting

While we know that Jesus saves us from Satan and the cost of sin, we can’t always articulate how it happened. In this sermon, Greg shows us how God outwitted the enemy and completely destroyed every piece of ammunition that Satan has against us. Read More 

I Owe It All To The Devil

When we sin, accusations fly. However, it’s not God that is flinging the accusations at us. In this sermon, Greg shows how we owe all accusation, blame, and condemnation to Satan. Read More 

Subverting the Subversion

The Devil has historically used a 1-2 punch to fight God. He usually starts by trying to snuff out the Kingdom of God, and if that doesn’t work, he tries to normalize the Kingdom of God. This normalization leads to a watered-down and mundane version of the Kingdom. God calls us to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness. Read More 

VIM Past the Attack

God’s love is perfect. As disciples of Christ, it is important to know and accept that God loves us. It is from His love that we are able to return love to God, ourselves, and then others. However, we have an enemy that wants to keep us from understanding and receiving this love. Read More 

Competing Faiths

Every human being faces temptations. Even our Lord Jesus was tempted. After being led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit, Jesus was tempted by the Devil. There are a number of reasons to suggest that the scenes of Jesus’ temptation played out within his mind. That does not mean that the temptations were not real. In fact, all temptation … Read More 

Resisting the Devil

We live in a war zone! It is a world that is ruled and co-opted by evil schemes and plans, brought forth by a real enemy, Satan. It is into this world that Christ came to bring forth a new Kingdom, not of this world, but expressed through the radical beauty of God’s love. As believers in Christ, we are participants in this new Kingdom, and empowered by the Holy Spirit to resist the lies and temptations of this world. Read More 

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"Woodland Hills family, thank you so much for everything you all do. My life is blessed by your teaching and technology. I know there are so many behind the scenes people. "

– Denise