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Topic: Spiritual Gifts

Waiting with Anna

This sermon examines the story of Anna when she met the child Jesus in the temple. Dan Kent highlights how she waited for the Messiah for decades and the importance of waiting on God to act in our lives and release his gifts through us.

The Significance of the Church

Many today view the church as insignificant and irrelevant, and therefore, the church is seeing many exit its doors and never returning. What are the reasons why people view the church in this way? How can the church counteract this perspective? These questions are explored so that we might understand what it means to be the church in today’s world … Read More 

God In Us Q&A

We wrapped up our summer God In Us sermon series with a Q&A night on Tuesday, August 30. It was hosted by Greg Boyd, our senior pastor, and Paul Eddy, our teaching pastor. It was a Q&A on the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts.

The Gifting Spirit: Part 2

In this sermon Greg goes over the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit. After explaining each gift, he addressed why he believes these gifts are still relevant and important for the church today. He ends with an encouragement to zealously seek after all gifts God has for you. Read More 

Baptism of the Holy Spirit

This next sermon in our series, titled God in Us, focused on the meaning, biblical background and practical application of being filled with the Holy Spirit. This phrase has created much controversy in the church today while often creating more division than unity. The evidence in Scripture emphasizes that there is a difference between having the Holy Spirit as a follower of Jesus and the act of being filled with the Spirit, but that this filling of the Spirit looks more like the extravagant love of a married couple than any spiritual test. Read More 

The Gifting Spirit: Part 1

This message is the fifth sermon in the series. It lays the foundation for identifying, understanding, and utilizing spiritual gifts. Read More 

Whole Hearted: Part 1

In part one of this two part series on living wholeheartedly, Seth shares the importance and role of the local church in building God’s kingdom. The early church had a very clear vision of their role in the world. They functioned out of their Spirit given gifts to continue the growth Jesus started while on Earth. We are invited and called to live the same style of Spirit led life. Read More 

God Doesn’t Speak Gibberish

We finish our short series on the spiritual gifts today with a sermon discussing the gift of tongues and the interpretation of tongues. As the most controversial of the gifts, we will correct false beliefs and discover the Scriptural truths and blessing that come from speaking in tongues. Read More 

The Power of Words

This week we hear from guest speaker Shawna Boren about the gift of prophesy. Shawna talks about the importance of staying awake to the Spirit’s movements in our lives and how that will help us acting in the gift of prophesy. Read More 

Trusting the Voice

This week we continue our short sermon series about the spiritual gifts. The first of the gifts we discuss in detail are words of wisdom and words of knowledge. Greg talks about how we discern these words from the Holy Spirit and tells us how we can best use them for building up the body of Christ. Read More 

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"Woodland Hills is breaking chains for believers and shattering walls for non-believers. Truly an amazing church to be a part of."

– Ellie