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Topic: Transformation

The Wise Builder

In this sermon, Greg addresses Jesus’ teaching on the differences between the wise and the foolish builders and what it means to act on what Jesus instructs.

Fireproof Treasure

At the end of time, we will come before God in judgment, where God’s love will refine and purge. Jesus taught us to live today with this future in mind by investing in treasures that will endure the fire instead of investing in that which will burn because they are not compatible with God’s love.

What Are You Looking At?

Jesus taught us that what we see is shaped by how our eyes are trained to see the world. If our eye is bad, our sight will be corrupted. We need good eyes to see the world rightly.

The Letter & the Spirit

As we continue our Listen Up series, this week Greg discusses how being open to hearing from God through our imagination affects the quality of our faith. Faith is about getting on the inside and working out our questions once we’re in relationship. If we are expectant that our relationship with God is a two-way street and that he not … Read More 

Bad Robots

Social media can control our lives, forming our minds and our actions without our even knowing that it’s happening. While there is great benefit to social media, we must also recognize it’s dangers and develop a plan to live differently. Otherwise, we will end up looking like we aren’t part of God’s kingdom.

A King-Centered Covenant

This week Greg goes through the covenant God made with king David, and touches on some of the foundational beliefs of Woodland Hills involving finding security only from Jesus instead of human kings, and how God always finds a way to bring beauty out of our sins.

Your Attention Please!

This week in the sermon series Loose Ends, our friend Dr. Sandra Unger explores the often quoted Psalm, “be still and know that I am God.” Sandra shares what the command to be still means in the Biblical context and how paying attention to God changes our whole approach to life.

Judgment Seat of Christ

In previous weeks we discussed the evidence that our consciousness persists in the interim stage between death and resurrection. But what exactly goes on there, before resurrection? Are we made perfect and pure enough to enter the kingdom instantly, or do we have to continue our growth in Christ?

The Discipline of Reviewing

For all of the events that take place in our lives from day to day, month to month, and year to year, it’s important to take time to reflect, review, and ask God where He was working within these events and what He is doing through them. In the final message of 2017, Greg talks about the discipline of reviewing, … Read More 

Living in Resistance

We all struggle with temptation, and it begins in our mind. But how do we resist our own thoughts? In the second message of our “Overcome” series, Greg shows us how to see our enemy and understand his strategies, and then unpacks how to overcome them.

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"My almost-three-year-old asks every day if we can go to church. Thank you, Woodland Hills, and all the Heroes Gate volunteers for creating such a great environment for kids. My husband and I met at WH six years ago and now our son counts down the days until we get to go again. My heart could burst."

– Lindsey