On October 14, 2008, Greg and Paul tackled every question thrown at them at our Free For All Q&A.
Topics: Controversial Issues,
Defense of Christian Faith,
End Times,
What's the deal with that Eckhart Tolle book, The New Earth? Is everything from the New Age movement bad? Can Christians practice yoga? Greg and Paul tackled these questions and more in June of 2008 at our New Age Q&A.
Topics: Controversial Issues
Is prayer really that important? Does it really play a purpose in the grand scheme of things? Why does it seem like some prayers work while others don’t give us the results we want? If our prayers don’t seem to work, who is to blame? Greg and Paul tackle these and other questions during our Prayer Q&A from February 24, 2008.
Topics: Prayer
In July of 2007, Greg did a short sermon series on spiritual warfare that concluded with a Q&A during our weekend services. Unfortunately, time ran out with many good questions left! This Q&A from December 2, 2007 continues the conversation with Greg, Paul Eddy (our Teaching Pastor) and Woodland Hills local missionary, Phil Friesen. The Q&A focused on spiritual warfare and related topics, including the issue of physical warfare and violence in the Old Testament.
Topics: Spiritual Warfare
This last weekend concluded our sermon series on spiritual warfare, a topic that can be neglected or overly stressed in churches. As followers of Christ, it is important to recognize that there is a spiritual side to our world, in which principalities and powers are in opposition to the ways of God. In Christ, we can overcome and resist these influences both individually and collectively. To bring a biblically balanced approach to the topic, Greg Boyd (Senior Pastor) and Paul Eddy (Teaching Pastor) held a Q&A time to help answer questions from attenders. These audio files are a collection of all the questions and answers addressed during our three weekend services.
Topics: Pain & Suffering,
Problem of Evil,
Spiritual Warfare
The Myth of a Christian Nation Q&A, (based Greg's book) was led by Greg and Paul Eddy and took place on June 7, 2006, at Woodland Hills Church. The Myth of a Christian Nation was based on a 2004 sermon series by Greg called "The Cross and the Sword."
Topics: Controversial Issues,
Is the Da Vinci Code real? The Da Vinci Code Q&A, led by Greg Boyd and Paul Eddy, took place on May 31, 2006.
Presentation | Audience Q&A
Topics: Controversial Issues
The Experiencing Jesus Workshop took place on March 11, 2006 at Woodland Hills Church.
Teaching the principles of praying with all five senses, Greg Boyd shares practical exercises that can assist in learning how to practice this form of prayer. Based on his book, Seeing is Believing, Greg shows how imaginative prayer offers a life-giving place of rest where your picture of God and your picture of yourself can be renewed.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Topics: Discipleship,
The Escaping The Matrix Conference took place on December 9-10, 2005, at Woodland Hills Church. The conference was based on the book Escaping the Matrix, by Greg Boyd and Al Larson, and was led by Greg, Mike Davis, from Ontario, CA and Bobby Bodenhamer, from Gastonia, NC.
Introduction to the Matrix (pt 1) | Audio
Greg Boyd | 1:15:50
Introduction to the Matrix (pt 2) | Audio
Greg Boyd | 1:14:45
Anchoring and State Management | Audio
Mike Davis | 47:46
Applying Your Faith | Audio
Bob Bodenhamer | 55:30
How to Stop the Bullets with a "No!" | Audio
Drop Down Through | Audio
Mike Davis | 47:46
Topics: Discipleship,
After watching The Passion of the Christ, did you or an unbelieving friend leave the theater with unanswered questions? Perhaps you’re wondering, “Did that really happen? Who was Jesus? Why were his last hours so important that a movie star was willing to pay for the production of a film depicting them?” On March 16, 2004, Greg gave a presentation and answered audience questions about the claims of Jesus and the New Testament.
Presentation | Audience Q&A
Topics: Controversial Issues,
Defense of Christian Faith
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