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Topic: Controversial Issues

Peacemaking in a Polarized World

Greg Boyd interviews Bill Doherty about how he came to faith, how he facilitates peacemaking through his organization, Braver Angels, and how we can live in a divided and polarized world.

The Divinely Inspired Story of God

In the first part of the sermon, Greg explains the decision of leadership regarding its plans for re-opening. The second part delves into the topic of what the inspiration of Scripture means and what it does not mean. It concludes with a panel discussion about trusting the authority of Scripture in a post-modern setting.

White Heresy

Why did Jesus die on the cross? The common response—to reconcile us to God—is only half of the answer. The other half, which is usually not preached in the white church, is to reconcile us to one another and creation.

Please… I Can’t Breathe

This has been a troublesome week, with the gruesome murder of George Floyd and the unrest that this has caused both in Minnesota, and around the country. Greg offers a Kingdom perspective on the situation and challenges the church to wake up and see the changes that we need. After his sermon he was joined on stage for a discussion … Read More 

Questioning the Bible Q&A

On Wednesday, January 22 we wrapped up our Questioning the Bible series with a Q&A hosted by Greg Boyd and Paul Eddy. In addition to the two-part sermon series, Greg and Paul go deeper in this Q&A and answer some questions about Greg’s book, Inspired Imperfection, in which the series was based.

Cruciform Inspiration

This week we look at how our scars, mistakes and imperfections (and even painful tattoos) all tell a story of God breathing and interacting, and enhancing the beauty of an imperfect thing.

Inspired Imperfection

In this first installment of a 2-part series centering around Greg’s new Inspired Imperfection book we look at what it means for scripture to be “God breathed.” Additionally, we explore to the potential consequences of keeping or removing the bible as an authoritative source in the life of a follower of Jesus. Greg makes the case that far from detracting … Read More 

The Hug

Two sermons in one today: Part 1: How does children’s reliance on technology affect their ability to use their imaginations? And part 2: Looking at the Botham Jean “hug felt around the world” and how we might be stuck in a silo and not even know it.

Peacemakers Behind the Pixels

As we continue our Interface series, this week Osheta explores how a Kingdom minded person can engage with social media as a peacemaker and avoid the pits of binary either-or thinking. The medium and anonymity of online life creates a temptation to leave behind self-control and humility in exchange for judgment and unsolicited advice. In this message, we look at … Read More 

How Did We Get Here?

In this introductory message to our new series called Interface, which deals with a Christian’s role and interaction with technology, Greg walks through how we got to where we are, both as a human species as well as a Christian sub-culture. There is a general principle of proportionality that applies to all things including technology. It says a thing or … Read More 

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"It's been so supportive to have a journey group leader since 7th grade that I have made a lasting relationship with for 6 years. She has helped me grow in my faith and has been there to check in!"

– Laura, high school student