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Wired for Relationships Recap

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On Friday, March 3 and Saturday, March 4, Woodland held a seminar devoted entirely to relationships. Think all relationships, not just the romantic, marriage kind. Relationships with Jesus, friends, neighbors, and family. Teaching pastor, Paul Eddy, and psychologist, Annie Perdue-Olson, took to the floor and guided participants to think about the things we often assume when in relationship with another. For example, who would’ve guessed that there are actually more than one style of communication? It sounds obvious, but most of us operate under the assumption that our way of communicating or seeing a conflict, is the only way, and that’s what often gets us stuck in conflict with others.

Using the Myers-Briggs personality test, the group engaged in mock conversations, everyone attempting to communicate to each other using a style of communication different than their own. They leaned into their own typical responses to stress and learned ways to develop and grow that response, as opposed to feeling controlled or emotionally hijacked by it. The weekend was rounded out by worship and strong teaching on what the Bible has to say about friendship.

As Kingdom people, our primary job description in life is to receive the unconditional, agape-love of God and then to allow it to flow from us back to God and outward toward others. The Wired for Relationships seminar placed this vision statement on the ground and gave it legs. As a result, people walked away ready to handle the challenging relational situations in their lives in a new light.

One thought on “Wired for Relationships Recap

  1. Shelly says:

    I would have loved to attend that seminar! Please let me know if it is offered again.

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