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Cost & Travel

Cost Info

  • The cost for the program is $1250 per year for years 1-2, and $2500 for year 3. ($5000 total for the 3 years).
  • Students pay a deposit of $250 once they are officially accepted into the program, which applies to the first-year tuition costs.
  • Full tuition must be paid before classes begin each fall.
  • Special financial arrangements will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and scholarships may be available upon request and demonstration of need.


Annual in-person Weekend retreat
  • Each school year will begin with a weekend retreat in the fall. Students are responsible, if at all possible, to come to Minnesota for the retreat each year as part of their program requirement. (If a student is absolutely not able to attend in person, arrangements will be made for them to participate as much as possible via Zoom.)
  • Most of the cost of the retreat (travel, lodging, food) is built into the SEM tuition but some additional costs may be involved, depending on each student’s specific situation.
  • The annual kickoff retreats involve interpersonal connection (students to WH, to each other, and to the SEM leaders), as well as certain course lectures, worship/contemplative practices and recreational activities.
Justice Journey and Commissioning Week
  • This takes place at the end of year three. Third-year students will come to Minnesota for a 10-day period to embark on a Civil Rights Justice Journey trip to Southern landmarks in the civil rights/reconciliation movement, and to wrap up their SEM program with graduation and commissioning ceremonies and celebration.
  • Most of the costs of the trip are built into the third-year SEM tuition, apart from personal costs based on specific student situations.

Frequently Asked Questions


"I have battled anxiety for years, searching for something to help me overcome fear. I believe that through your sermons, I have found truth and I am more convinced of the extravagant love of God than ever. I finally feel like I am on the journey out of the darkness."

– Amanda, from Nebraska