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Recent Sermons

In addition to sermon audio and video files, many of our sermons have other resources available like extended summaries and study guides. Our archive dates back to 1992 and all resources are free to download and distribute. Most sermons are by our Senior Pastor, Greg Boyd.

Peter Pan Escapes the Matrix

• Greg Boyd

In Christ, we are radically free from the things that bind us to this world. The problem is that we have been brainwashed and led to believe lies about ourselves that prevent us from being what we were created to be. Do we trust our own thoughts about ourselves and others or do we believe what God says?

Jesus on the Street

• Sandra Unger

Through the touching stories that Sandra relayed, we can see that Christ truly is to be found among the “least of these.” Most of us are able to hide our pain beneath the façade of nice clothes, stable living situations, good friends and family support, but do we understand that we too are the least? We must never forget that we are all, always, desperately in need of God.

Letting Go of the Grail

• Greg Boyd

Letting go of our own desires, rights, conveniences, pleasure, wealth, and security is necessary if we are to serve a master other than ourselves. If we do choose Jesus, we must die to our own agendas so that in Christ, we can really live. Christianity is an all or nothing decision.

Deciding to Follow Jesus

• Dwayne Polk

Dwayne Polk’s message this week continued in the line of Greg’s ongoing focus on discipleship this year. Polk described the decision whether or not to follow Christ as a “choice of critical significance.”

The Nature of Faith

• Greg Boyd

This week Greg explored the difference faith can make in our attempts to “take captive every thought” in order to “be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Ultimately the point is to know the truth and let that truth transform your reality.

Spiritual Warfare

• Ted Roberts

The “good fight” is the one you win! This sermon focused on how to fight “the good fight.” There are four things we need to know: 1) The enemy’s tactics, 2) the enemy’s weapons, 3) our tactics and 4) our weapons.

Becoming a Detective of Your Brain

• Greg Boyd

For some reason, even though we have accepted Christ in our lives, certain things about us are very difficult to change. Is changing these bad behaviors a lost cause? No. God is working with us for change, and we must take proactive responsibility for what is going on in our brains.

God of Etcetera

• Greg Boyd

This weekend Greg examined Ephesians 3:16-19 and found that this passage contains the ultimate goal of all discipleship. Not only is the goal stated here, but also the means by which we can achieve it.

Transaction or Connection?

• Mark Stromberg

Mark preached from John 4:4-30, 39-42, the famous passage that records Jesus’ conversation with the Samaritan woman. Mark stated that this section of Scripture illustrates the difference between transactional relationships and relationships that connect with people.


• Greg Boyd

Greg stated that an understanding of discipleship as “synergistic” (where God and humanity work together) steers away from polarizing extremes that typically characterize people’s understanding.
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"It's been so supportive to have a journey group leader since 7th grade that I have made a lasting relationship with for 6 years. She has helped me grow in my faith and has been there to check in!"

– Laura, high school student