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Recent Sermons

In addition to sermon audio and video files, many of our sermons have other resources available like extended summaries and study guides. Our archive dates back to 1992 and all resources are free to download and distribute. Most sermons are by our Senior Pastor, Greg Boyd.

The Barbarian Way Out of Civilization

• Erwin McManus

This morning Erwin McManus, Senior Pastor at Mosaic Church in Los Angeles, challenged the congregation to live passionately for Jesus. He exhorted the congregation to recapture the essence of the “barbaric” attitude of a new Christian. God desires that we live with abandonment.

Dying and Wealth

• Greg Boyd

Greg concluded his sermon series on “Dying to Self” by preaching about how a person’s identity rooted in Jesus Christ changes his or her perspective on wealth and comfort.

How the Dead View Others

• Greg Boyd

This week Greg continued his series on dying to self and its connection to discipleship by illustrating how this change radically alters how a person views others.

Dying to Self, Part 3

• Greg Boyd

This week Greg continued his series on dying to self and its connection to discipleship by illustrating how this change radically alters a person’s perspective on individuality.

Dying to Self, Part 2

• Greg Boyd

Greg continued his sermon from last week by illustrating in three areas how dying to self makes a difference in living for Christ.

Dying to Self, Part 1

• Greg Boyd

This morning Greg continued his series on discipleship by preaching about the necessity of dying to self. Expounding on Luke 14:25-28, Greg stated that God’s call “to hate” family and self does not literally mean hate, but instead is a figure of speech used in ancient times to emphasize meaning.

Clashing Kingdom

• Richard Coleman

Richard Coleman preached about the clashing kingdoms of Satan and God. The death and resurrection of Christ has fundamentally secured the Kingdom of God’s victory over Satan. However, a real battle still persists between God and Satan until Christ’s return. Disciples of Jesus will inevitability experience the reality of this conflict. Scripture states that the devil prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8). We must stand our ground in Christ.

The Road that Leads to Death

• Greg Boyd

This morning Greg preached about four steps that characterize the road to spiritual death. He emphasized that spiritual formation happens regardless of whether or not a person is intentional. Thus, we can become increasingly formed into the likeness of Christ through our participation in the divine nature (see 2 Peter 1:4), or we can turn away from God. This morning Greg focused on the latter. What typifies the road to spiritual death?

Pregnant With Jesus

• Greg Boyd

Greg continued his series on discipleship by preaching on the nature of kingdom training. Galatians 4:19-20 served as the text for a message about two competing models of discipleship: the legal-religious model and the love-relational model.
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"I was incredibly blessed by everyone who came out to the clean-up event to serve neighborhood seniors. It literally brought me to tears knowing that there are amazing people out there restoring my hope in what it means to love and serve each other."

– Merrick Community Services staff member