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Recent Sermons

In addition to sermon audio and video files, many of our sermons have other resources available like extended summaries and study guides. Our archive dates back to 1992 and all resources are free to download and distribute. Most sermons are by our Senior Pastor, Greg Boyd.

Questioning the Bible Q&A

• Greg Boyd, Paul Eddy

On Wednesday, January 22 we wrapped up our Questioning the Bible series with a Q&A hosted by Greg Boyd and Paul Eddy. In addition to the two-part sermon series, Greg and Paul go deeper in this Q&A and answer some questions about Greg’s book, Inspired Imperfection, in which the series was based.

Topics: Controversial Issues, Defense of Christian Faith

The Inclusive Kingdom

• Greg Boyd

As we reflect on the message of Martin Luther King Jr., we can see the parallel between what he taught and what Jesus told us the Kingdom of God looks like. To understand this, Greg unpacks the difference between xenophilia (the love of those who are different) and xenophobia (the fear of those who are different) and how it relates to racism.

Topics: Justice, Kingdom of God, Love

Inspired Imperfection

• Greg Boyd

In this first installment of a 2-part series centering around Greg’s new Inspired Imperfection book we look at what it means for scripture to be “God breathed.” Additionally, we explore to the potential consequences of keeping or removing the bible as an authoritative source in the life of a follower of Jesus. Greg makes the case that far from detracting from the bible’s credibility, if viewed through the lens of the cross, the mistakes and errors in the writing made by the human authors enhance the bible’s authority in showing God’s power through the cross.

Topics: Controversial Issues, Defense of Christian Faith, Free Will

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"I have battled anxiety for years, searching for something to help me overcome fear. I believe that through your sermons, I have found truth and I am more convinced of the extravagant love of God than ever. I finally feel like I am on the journey out of the darkness."

– Amanda, from Nebraska