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2021 Baptism Highlights

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By Paige K Slighter

Sunday, July 25 was a heartwarming day at Lake Phalen, as we gathered together to celebrate baptism. There were smiles all around and cheers as our brothers and sisters came up out of the water raised with Christ.

A mother and her son, Judi and Greg, were baptized as their family waited to give congratulatory hugs. Judi said since that day, she hasn’t been able to wipe the smile off her face. Originally she joined Greg in the baptism classes to support his decision, but in the end, she decided to make the commitment too! She said, “I’m so tickled my son decided he wanted to be baptized, otherwise I probably wouldn’t have.” She’s so grateful for the life-changing experience.

Judi and Greg

Julie, who got reconnected with Woodland in 2019, had been baptized before but felt prompted to renew her commitment after learning about the intimacy of baptism. At one point, she had felt very low and lost her desire and willpower to serve God, but after getting connected at Woodland, she found herself recovering and experiencing his love. Her decision to be baptized reflected her desire to “seal in this new way of living and actively walk out my kingdom purpose.” After being prayed for and coming up out of the water on such a beautiful day, she felt extremely loved, cared for and blessed. She said, “With my new church family supporting and celebrating with me, I finally have a place to call home.”

Julie being prayed over by Greg and Paul

Not only did we have local Woodland folks baptized, but some traveled from out of town to participate. The Funches, a young couple baptized together, traveled from St.Cloud. And one baptizee came all the way from Virginia. She was the first to be baptized because she had to hop on a flight home soon after.

Jesus’ love was so contagious that day, a high schooler named Kendall, who just happened to be on the beach, decided to be baptized as well. She finished off the momentous event and joined us in singing a final hymn.

Congratulations again to everyone who was baptized. As your church family, we are excited to see where God takes you and look forward to supporting you along the way. Check out the awesome photo gallery below.

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