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BYOM – Bring Your Own coffee Mug

For those that regularly purchase coffee on the go, bring your own mug, (BYOM), or reusable cup. Not only will this reduce disposable coffee cup waste, but you may get a small discount on your coffee purchase. Check your favorite coffee shops for details as each store will have different rules for BYOM.

Another benefit I personally enjoy is preparing my own Bullet Proof keto coffee fixings before heading out to my local coffee shop. My usual recipe is 1 tbsp heavy whipping cream, 1/2 tbsp of cacao, 1 tbsp ghee, 1 tbsp MCT8 oil, 1/2 tsp stevia, 1/8 tsp cinnamon, and 1/8 tsp nutmeg. Then add 10 – 12 oz of coffee at my local coffee shop.

Shared by Darin on Monday October 24, 2022 wh-bug

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