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Caption Contest: Week 3

Here we are, week 3 of our Lost Art of Friendship caption contest! Thanks for your participation so far, it’s been so fun!  Read More 

Spiritual Friendships Class

During our Lost Art of Friendship sermon series, we’re taking a look at the struggle many of us have with intimate friendships. To a large degree, we’ve lost the art of making and keeping friends in our modern culture. One of the ways we’re addressing this… Read More 

A Kingdom Worldview Class

We want to help equip people to be Kingdom ambassadors in whatever context they find themselves in. The model of “Church” is changing rapidly, but there are key principles that we believe apply to the new expressions of the Kingdom that are springing up all over the world. This course will provide a biblical worldview and foundation for people who … Read More 

Caption Contest: Week 2

We’re on to week 2 of our caption contest! Take a look at the photo above, and give us your best funny caption! Read More 


Staying Connected

As we head into new seasons, we recognize how important it is to stay connect and grow alongside others. Although COVID is still relevant in our lives, we’ll still be active as a church, even if virtually. We hope you take advantage of our mix of online or in-person ministries that aim to help us all learn and grow together! Read More 

Vessels: Community for Young Adults

In this time of upheaval and uncertainty, we all need places of support and connection. For many in the 18 to 20s range, Vessels has been exactly that kind of place. Vessels is Woodland’s Young Adult Ministry, which meets for both weekly worship and learning and monthly for social gatherings to live into their vision of receiving God’s abundance so they can overflow into the lives of others. Read More 

Caption Contest: Week 1

We’re moving into a new series on friendship – digging into Scripture and into the past to learn how we can reclaim the lost art of making and keeping friends. To have some fun with this series, over the next six weeks, we’re holding a caption contest. Here’s week 1! Read More 

New Series: The Lost Art of Friendship

Generations before us have prized intimate friendships and cultivated the art of making and keeping friends. So, in today’s age where “friend” is a noun and a verb, you’d think we would all be expert friends! But many of us struggle with friendship, especially in the loneliness the pandemic has brought. Read More 

All-Church Picnic

Join us after the service on Sunday, September 12 to kick off fall with an all-church picnic. Lunch is on us! That same Sunday, we’re starting a new sermon series on friendship, so this is a great opportunity to get connected and find fellowship. Read More 

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"My counselor emailed me the True You sermon from your Overwhelmed series to help me believe who God says I am, which was a game changer for sure."

– MK, from Arizona