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News Feed

Tiny Homes Update

This last winter during our When We Show Up campaign, Woodland raised money to build a prototype of a tiny home for the long-term homeless. A movement to build tiny homes for those experiencing homeless is growing across the nation. Tiny home settlements are cost-effective, eco-friendly and ideal for providing both privacy and community. But this is a new approach … Read More 

Podrishioner Profile: Becky and Andy Baumgartner

The Baumgartners are so thankful that Jesus didn’t wait for them to get their act cleaned up in order to establish a relationship with them. He showed up in their mess, as he does with all of us. Becky says, “He is the air we breathe and our source of sanity.” They are continuing to lean on him for all things out in Washington, and we’re honored that they continue to tune into our sermons! Read More 

Love Lines

Woodland Hills has hosted Project Home for eleven years now, providing emergency overflow shelter space and volunteer support for families in need. Each year has been uniquely different and rewarding but God’s faithfulness has remained the same. This spring, we witnessed many answered prayers through our amazing volunteers and the precious families residing in these four walls. We are continually reminded that love has no boundaries and home is a place we share—heart to heart. Read More 

Long Story Short

Once upon a time…
It was a dark and stormy night…
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…
These words say: settle in, it’s time for a story! Well settle in, Woodland Hills, because our summer sermon series will explore the grand narrative of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. You may think you know what happens, but there’s so much more to this story than most of us realize!… Read More 

Podrishioner Profile: Katie and Jeff Luehm

Katie and Jeff are faithful podrishoners currently working as advocates for vulnerable children and orphans in El Salvador. They were immediately drawn to Woodland Hills after listening to Greg speak about Christianity and politics on the radio program, On Being, hosted by Krista Tippett. That was in 2017, and they have been hooked ever since! Read More 

SOMA Students Graduate

In September, 2018 we launched SOMA, our School of Missional Apprenticeship, and today we celebrate the graduation of our first SOMA class! This first group of students included ten people ranging in age from 20 to 46 and hailing from seven states. SOMA was hosted in the Jordan neighborhood of North Minneapolis by Beacon of Hope Church, an African American … Read More 

Wacky Wednesdays

Wacky Wednesday is a time for your preschooler to be dropped off for fun and learning about Jesus on the second Wednesday of the month in June, July and August from 9-11:30am! Read More 

Volunteer Profile: Ashley & Brian Johnson

Woodland Hills has 232 Heroes Gate volunteers, so we asked two of them, Ashley and Brian Johnson, to answer a few questions about their experience. What brought you to Woodland Hills? Ashley: My Mom! I was probably in about 3rd grade when we first started attending Woodland. Brian: I was raised in a Lutheran Church but hadn’t been attending regular … Read More 

Volunteer Appreciation!

It is volunteer appreciation weekend, and we’d like to say thank you to all who have faithfully offered your time and abilities to serve here at Woodland Hills. We could not do this without your help! Read More 

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"I have battled anxiety for years, searching for something to help me overcome fear. I believe that through your sermons, I have found truth and I am more convinced of the extravagant love of God than ever. I finally feel like I am on the journey out of the darkness."

– Amanda, from Nebraska