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When we’re confident, we say we’re sure. When we sort of agree we say, “Yeah… sure.” When faced with the various worldviews and opinions in our society about spirituality and faith, many people say, “Sure. If it works for you, that’s great.”  But Jesus says he’s the only Truth. How can we hold that conviction in our culture of tolerance? How can we navigate the maze of truth with humility and confidence? Join … Read More 

WH Women

We believe God has something in store for the women of Woodland Hills. On Friday, February 23rd we are hosting a different kind of women’s event, WH Women: Kingdom Connections. The world gives us the perception that women just don’t get along. This event desires to break down those walls and provide an open space for WH women to encourage … Read More 

Superbowl Warm Welcome

Back in January, Mary Anderson, one of our Associate Care Pastors, came across an article in the Pioneer Press about how the Super Bowl would be impacting some homeless individuals and families. Typically, when shelter space runs out for those seeking temporary housing, the county has a certain number of hotel rooms they can host them in while they make … Read More 


All-Ages Ash Wednesday Service

February 14th is Valentine’s day, but this year it is also when Ash Wednesday lands, which is the official beginning of Lent.  This special day occurs 40 days before Easter (excluding Sundays) and is traditionally a time of fasting and preparation including special church services (usually with their own sacraments), ceremonies, and prayers. Unlike a Catholic or Lutheran church, Woodland … Read More 

Warm Welcome – Success!

Thank you SO much to everyone who gave SO generously to our Warm Welcome campaign! We’re beyond excited to report that we met – and passed – our goal. Happy New Year indeed!! Read More 

Christmas Eve Photos

Thanks to everyone who came out to our Christmas Eve services. It was wonderful to celebrate the birth of our King with you all! Read More 


Welcome ANEW B.A.M.!

Woodland Hills is passionate about partnering with other organizations to further God’s Kingdom vision. We are excited to announce a new partnership with one of these fantastic organizations: ANEW BAM Read More 

Education and Discipleship Opportunities

It’s time to stretch those brain muscles in new ways! Both Cultivate classes and Gathering Groups start back up again on Jan 7. If you’re itching to do both, then don’t let us stop you! But if you have to choose, here are a few similarities and differences between the two to help you decide. Both will impact your relationship … Read More 

Operation Joy Success!

This year, we provided gifts to 24 families (all connected through the church’s ministries or Close to My Heart Daycare).  We also provided 58 gifts to The Lift for their toy store. Overall that equals 280+ gifts. That’s a big Christmas tree. Gifts were provided by families in Heroes Gate, a small group, some individuals, and Echo Journey Groups. Thank … Read More 

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"I was incredibly blessed by everyone who came out to the clean-up event to serve neighborhood seniors. It literally brought me to tears knowing that there are amazing people out there restoring my hope in what it means to love and serve each other."

– Merrick Community Services staff member