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Coronavirus Update

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Update as of May, 2021:

As of May 2021, we’ve opened up to having in-person services again! You can find up to date info on attending in person here. If you’d like to join us online via our livestream, you can find more info on that here.

March 17 updates:

  1. This Sunday, March 22, we will be streaming our entire service at 10am, and will continue to do so each Sunday at 10am until further notice. Details on how you can participate will be available soon on our website, our social media channels, and within our app.
  2. As it stands, most events or gatherings we had in place through the end of March (and possibly beyond) have been cancelled or moved online. This includes:
    • Gathering Groups
    • Cultivate classes and other classes
    • Men’s Bible study
    • Prayer Together
    • Refuge support groups
    • 65+ April Potluck
    • Echo services
    • Live worship services
  3. If you have any questions about a specific event, please contact the staff person in charge of that ministry area. Any general questions can be directed to us at info@whchurch.org.

Thank you again for your understanding and patience as we navigate this quickly changing situation! Stay safe and unafraid, and we hope you can join us online at 10am this Sunday!

March 13 updates, 3pm:

  1. In response to the governor’s announcement today, in which the Minnesota Department of Health recommended limiting gatherings to fewer than 250 people, we have decided to cancel our services this weekend.
  2. Unfortunately we aren’t prepared to stream our services on such short notice, so Greg will be videotaping a message. That sermon will be available on our website by 9am this Sunday morning.
  3. Next Sunday, March 22 we plan to stream our entire service at 10am. Next week we will share details about how you can participate; that info will be available on our website, social media channels, and our app.
  4. Our leadership team is having conversations about whether and how our regular weekday operations will be impacted.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we try to make the best decisions we can, given the nature of this developing situation. We are committed to being as thoughtful and careful as we can about minimizing the spread of the Coronavirus. However, we also want to protect against being overly fearful and encourage you to do the same!

March 13 updates, 10am:

  1. Our staff has been busy making sure our building is clean and disinfected this week in preparation for our services this weekend. We also plan to clean chairs after each service and throughout the weekend, we will regularly clean any frequently-used surfaces like door handles, countertops and Children’s Ministry check-in stations.
  2. We will not be serving coffee this weekend as an extra precaution against the potential spread of germs.
  3. We don’t plan to pass offering buckets during our services – again, to minimize the chance germs could be passed around.
  4. If you don’t feel well, or if you are in a high-risk demographic for complications from Coronavirus, please stay home this weekend.
  5. We want to continue to be wise and take reasonable precautions to minimize the potential spreading of illnesses, but don’t want to be consumed by fear. We look forward to seeing those of you who choose to join us this weekend!

Original post from March 11:

Last weekend during his sermon, Greg spent some time talking about how, as Kingdom people, we might think about and respond to the current Coronavirus/COVID-19 epidemic. If you didn’t catch it, it’s worth your time – you can listen or watch here.

As this unique and challenging health situation has developed, we’ve also had a number of staff conversations about practical matters for the coming weeks. Greg mentioned some of these during his sermon, but we want to get them all collected in one place:

  1. If you’re sick, stay at home and rest up. This has always been our attitude, but it’s worth repeating now. Take care of yourself, and lower the risk that you’ll pass any illness on to others.
  2. We could really use help cleaning and disinfecting surfaces in our building. Shoot us an email if you’re able to help!
  3. Download our church app. It allows us to send out notifications, which we use when we need to make changes to our service times for any reason. (Usually due to weather.) We’ll also post changes to our website and social media channels, but the app’s notifications provide a more immediate way to communicate updates. Details and instructions here.
  4. We have no plans to cancel any of our services or events, but we’re working on contingency plans should that need to change.

As Greg said: we’re not worried about this health issue, but we do want to be prepared. We may have a unique opportunity to display other-oriented, self-sacrificial (but also wise and pragmatic) love to our neighbors. Pray with us that no matter what happens in the coming days and weeks, we are able to represent the Jesus-looking Kingdom of God in our communities!

13 thoughts on “Coronavirus Update

  1. Rick says:

    Are you considering live streaming your services?

    1. Charley Swanson says:

      Hi Rick – yes, that’s certainly something we’re considering. If we end up going that route, we’ll post information about it here on our website, on social media, and on our app.

      UPDATE: we plan on streaming our weekend service next Sunday, March 22 at 10am CST. Stay tuned for details.

    2. Mike says:

      Absolutely not

  2. Maggi says:

    Praying for Woodland Hills and all the people.

  3. Chad says:

    My name is Chad and I often attend here on a bi weekly or weekly basic. I am sad to hear that this virus has spread dramatic and kind of laughing inside but as someone who understands and feel this is a wise move to do. I will pray for our woodland hills and for all of churches, schools, our nations and pray and believe in the name of jesus christ that he is the ulimate healer and our savior! The devil has no hold on our churches, our homes, our friends, our families, our wives; husbands; our government ; and in this world. In the name of jesus christ we ask u for healing and guidance through this harsh times. Amen.

  4. Barbara says:

    I just increased my monthly giving to help during this awful time for our church. Come on who else is with me!!

  5. Peggy says:

    Would it help to make extra donations to the foodshelf there? What are the needs?

    1. Paige Slighter says:

      Hey Peggy, thanks for asking. The food shelf is not taking extra donations at this time, but I will let you know if that changes.
      -Paige from the Communication Team

  6. Belle Lenora says:

    Church Family – I am writing to suggest that we do more than stream a sermon 1x week. Our community is struggling with the covid crisis and there are many needs to be met. WHC is a congregation that has shown great love, and given generously to others both locally and overseas. Now should be no different.

    I’m writing to suggest that our ministry, careteam and members work together to find creative ways that we can respond to this crisis. Let’s be willing to work with other congregations or local groups to show love to our community, to pray with one voice and assist (safely) in ways that we can.

    I would also suggest regular prayer gatherings online, and in a facebook group. While we cannot replace lost jobs, maybe there can be online training, education or support to equipt workers to enter the workforce when the time is right. Education and activities for children is also important; with extra support for children with special needs. I’m suggesting an online survey to prioritize the needs, and then some kind of public discussion in an online group format on how we can respond to this crisis in a meaningful way.

    If we are at home, let’s use this to be a force for good. Let’s think creatively, and get feedback from other groups, and see what can be done. Each one of us has been given a talent, gift or ability from God that can be used to make a difference in this world. Let your light shine!

    1. Paige Slighter says:

      Hey Belle, thanks for your message. Have you had a chance to look at the resources we have here: http://whchurch.org/ministry-changes-during-coronavirus/
      _Paige from the Communications Team

  7. Mike says:

    If there are not in person services, I will once again be forced to attend a church that does. I am 65years old with asthma. I’ve had the virus and unfortunately felt I needed to attend a church with in person services. Especially after we found out about I t all the lies and exaggerations and the fact that shutdowns killed many more people than the virus. It’s like the boy that cried wolf. But people should be allowed to choose whether to come

    1. Sarah says:

      Hi Mike, I’d like to apologize for the confusion – this is a post from 2020, and we did not have in person services at that time.
      However, since early 2021, thankfully we’ve been having in-person services again (we continue to have live-streamed services as well). Here’s a link with some current info: https://whchurch.org/welcome-to-wh/
      We hope you’ll join us sometime. Thanks! –Sarah from Communications Team

  8. Mike says:

    Thanks for clearing up the confusion. I do plan on going to woodland hills soon.

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"We just started attending last summer and we love it! This past weekend the music was so beautiful, I felt the Holy Spirit there and wept the entire time. And then the message on relationships spoke right to my own struggles. God is here."

– Nicole