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Wednesday Gathering Groups

Each week on Wednesdays, we will connect via Zoom to talk about the meaning of the Sunday sermon, how it impacts our lives, and even how we can pray for each other.

Tuesday Gathering Groups

Each week on Tuesdays, we will connect via Zoom to talk about the meaning of the Sunday sermon, how it impacts our lives, and even how we can pray for each other.

Wednesday Gathering Groups

Each week on Wednesdays, we will connect via Zoom to talk about the meaning of the Sunday sermon, how it impacts our lives, and even how we can pray for each other.

Tuesday Gathering Groups

Each week on Tuesdays, we will connect via Zoom to talk about the meaning of the Sunday sermon, how it impacts our lives, and even how we can pray for each other.

Wednesday Gathering Groups

Each week on Wednesdays, we will connect via Zoom to talk about the meaning of the Sunday sermon, how it impacts our lives, and even how we can pray for each other.

Tuesday Gathering Groups

Each week on Tuesdays, we will connect via Zoom to talk about the meaning of the Sunday sermon, how it impacts our lives, and even how we can pray for each other.

Wednesday Gathering Groups

Each week on Wednesdays, we will connect via Zoom to talk about the meaning of the Sunday sermon, how it impacts our lives, and even how we can pray for each other.

Tuesday Gathering Groups

Each week on Tuesdays, we will connect via Zoom to talk about the meaning of the Sunday sermon, how it impacts our lives, and even how we can pray for each other.

Wednesday Gathering Groups

Each week on Wednesdays, we will connect via Zoom to talk about the meaning of the Sunday sermon, how it impacts our lives, and even how we can pray for each other.

Tuesday Gathering Groups

Each week on Tuesdays, we will connect via Zoom to talk about the meaning of the Sunday sermon, how it impacts our lives, and even how we can pray for each other.

Wednesday Gathering Groups

Each week on Wednesdays, we will connect via Zoom to talk about the meaning of the Sunday sermon, how it impacts our lives, and even how we can pray for each other.

Tuesday Gathering Groups

Each week on Tuesdays, we will connect via Zoom to talk about the meaning of the Sunday sermon, how it impacts our lives, and even how we can pray for each other.

Wednesday Gathering Groups

Each week on Wednesdays, we will connect via Zoom to talk about the meaning of the Sunday sermon, how it impacts our lives, and even how we can pray for each other.


"I am so glad that for all the intellectual work Woodland Hills engages in, it has not forgotten the power and reality of the spiritual realm. Thanks for this."

– Matthew