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Tuesday Gathering Groups

Each week on Tuesdays, we will connect via Zoom to talk about the meaning of the Sunday sermon, how it impacts our lives, and even how we can pray for each other.

Wednesday Gathering Groups

Each week on Wednesdays, we will connect via Zoom to talk about the meaning of the Sunday sermon, how it impacts our lives, and even how we can pray for each other.

Kids Videos

Parents of kids in Heroes Gate, we're excited to share our weekly videos!

Event Series Life on Purpose

Life on Purpose

Life on Purpose is a group where we learn to live intentionally and grow in our experience of God through the study, discussion and practice of spiritual disciplines.

Support Groups

A community of weekly support groups where you can experience God’s grace and truth.

Tuesday Gathering Groups

Each week on Tuesdays, we will connect via Zoom to talk about the meaning of the Sunday sermon, how it impacts our lives, and even how we can pray for each other.

Wednesday Gathering Groups

Each week on Wednesdays, we will connect via Zoom to talk about the meaning of the Sunday sermon, how it impacts our lives, and even how we can pray for each other.

Echo Testimony Night

Testimony Night offers a space for select students and leaders to share their testimonies with Echo!

Kids Videos

Parents of kids in Heroes Gate, we're excited to share our weekly videos!


"I have found, in you, a place where the preached word profoundly resonates with my own recent journey of faith and has cemented a new way of thinking, I suppose like jigsaw pieces falling into place. I am grateful that a friend pointed me in your direction."

– Elaine, from the United Kingdom