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Racism and Reconciliation Resources

Learning Resources

Racial Reconciliation is not an opinion-level issue. It is a fundamental Kingdom calling at the core of God’s vision for the church. However, as we grapple with racism we may not always agree on how to pursue reconciliation. These materials do not always agree on the best way to seek justice and healing, but we believe they all offer insights into the pursuit of racial reconciliation.

For white people, some of these topics may feel uncomfortable or scary. We see this as a good thing—a sign that God is at work for our transformation. People of color do not have the option to ignore these issues; to walk away is a part of white privilege. So we encourage our white sisters and brothers to enter the discomfort, to listen and learn in humility, and to do the work needed to change and act.

Woodland does not endorse every perspective offered by these resources, but we believe each resource provides tools to engage in the larger conversation our culture is having around race.

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Race Conciliation Sermon Series

Beginning in response to the senseless killing of George Floyd, our Race Conciliation series explores the ideas of systemic racism, the principalities of racism, and what a Kingdom view of race is. See the Series here.

Race Conciliation FAQ Compilation

We got some excellent feedback and questions during our Race Conciliation series. Since there may be many people with the same questions, we gathered some themed responses. Feel free to take a look here.


"I really can't emphasize enough how much of a blessing WH has been to my wife and me. WH is the one place I feel comfortable to ask the “forbidden questions” and not feel like a heretic. God has used y'all to truly bless our lives."

– Jonathan