Our Summer Get-Together is coming up, August 9-11! Get all the details!

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Spiritual Friendship Groups

As humans, we were created to be known by others. We all want to belong and it feels good to know that we have people who care about us. Many of us live much of our lives trying to fit in, attract acceptance, and experience intimacy. We need to get in the practice of paying attention to the craving we have for belonging, listen to it, and learn how to fulfill it. The bottom line is, we need friends! And not only that, we need spiritual friends to help us in our commitment to follow Jesus.

But what do spiritual friends do? What practices shape a spiritual friendship? Join us for a 5 week pilot class where we will explore together what it means to be a part of a life-giving spiritual friendship.

Learn more and register


"I am a podrishioner that just wanted to say thanks for sharing Woodland Hills through podcasts and videos. This is my place to get a spiritual refill, and it’s where I get most of my teaching from. Since I've starting following you four years ago, my view on God, myself and other people has radically been changed. Thanks so much, and keep sharing the Kingdom!"

– Knut-Inge, from Norway